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Education and Appointments:
Aijie Wang, Ph.D., Researcher/Professor, was born on December 2, 1971 in Harbin, Heilongjiang, China. Prof. Aijie Wang is a researcher of Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the director of Key Lab of Environmental Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and a Ph.D. supervisor. She is also a member of the Communist Party of China. ■ Education Experiences 1991.09~1995.07 Harbin Normal University, Biology, Bachelor 1995.09~2000.06 Harbin Institute of Technology, Environmental Engineering, Ph.D 2000.10~2002.08 Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration, Postdoctor 2006.07~2007.07 Michigan State University, U.S.A, Postdoctor/Visiting Scholar ■ Work Experiences 1997.07~Now Harbin Institute of Technology, School of Municipal & Environmental Engineering, Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor 2012.10~Now Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Researcher 2002.09~2002.12 Australia National University, Visiting Scholar 2007.07~2007.09 IEG of University of Oklahoma, Visiting Scholar 2015.08~2015.09 Gent University, Belgium, SeniorVisiting Scholar(IMETE Scholarship) ■ Research Fields: Engineering and technology research for water resource recovery , which include: (1) Resource-oriented low-carbon water treatment theory and technology, including low-carbon and low-energy consumption green water purification technology led by biological processes, carbon capture and utilization of wastewater, and recycling and reuse of wastewater resources. (2) Water reuse treatment and risk control and prevention in ecological transformation processes, including theoretical and technological approaches from "meeting standard water" to "ecologically integrated water", optimal control of pollutant depth reduction, identification, control, and depth reduction of pathogenic microorganisms, and identification and control of ecological risks in reclaimed water. (3) Urban water ecological security and intelligent management, including enhanced biological repair of polluted water bodies, water environment pollution simulation and warning, etc. She has published more than 300 SCI papers in reputed journals as the first or corresponding author, and has been selected as an ESI highly cited scholar and one of the top 2% scientists in the world. She has authored or co-edited five books and applied/authorized more than 100 patents. She was also the winner of two National Technology Invention Second Prizes (ranked first and sixth), two National Science and Technology Progress Second Prizes (ranked first and fourth), four Provincial/Ministerial First Prizes (ranked first, first, fourth and fourth) and the China Patent Excellent Award (ranked first).

Research Interest:
Water Resource Recovery
Public Services:
? Editor-in-Chief, Environmental Research ? Deputy Editor-in-Chief, BMC Microbiology ? Executive Editor, Environmental Science & Ecotechnology ? Managing Editor, Blue-Green Systems ? Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Journal Of Environmental Engineering (Chinese Version) ? Editorial Board, Environmental Chemistry (Chinese Version) ? Editorial Board, Journal of Environmental Sciences (Chinese Version) ? IWA Distinguished Fellows ? Fellow of China Association of Inventions ? Chairman of IWA Anaerobic Digestion Specialist Group ? Chairman of IWA Digital Water China Specialist Group ? Vice Chairman of China Association of Inventions ? Vice Chairman of China Sensors and IoT Industry Association ? Deputy Director of Industrial Non-conventional Water Utilization Industry Standardization Working Group, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ? Chairman of Intelligent Environment and Water Association of SIA ? Member of ISO/TC224 Drinking Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Systems and Services Technical Committee ? Adjunct Professor, Oklahoma University of U.S ? Management Committee member of IWA Resource Recovery Cluster ? Vice Chair, IWA Anaerobic Digestion China Chapter ? Deputy Director of Microbial Ecology Committee, Ecological Society of China ? Member of Environmental Microbiology Committee, Chinese Society for Microbiology ? Executive Director of China Biogas Society ? Member of International Exchange and Cooperation Committee, Chinese Society For Environmental Sciences ? Member of Water Environment and Water Ecology Branch, Chinese Society For Urban Studies

■ Scientific Awards and Honors ? 2020,Second prize, National Technology Invention Awards. New technologies and engineering applications for simultaneous removal of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur from organic wastewater (Ranked No.1) ? 2010, Second prize, National Science & Technology Awards. An innovative biotechnology for simultaneous removal of carbon, sulfur and nitrogen from wastewater (Ranked No.1) ? 2004, Second prize, National Science & Technology Awards. Development and demonstration of innovative biological technology for high strength organic wastewater (Ranked No.4) ? 2007, Second prize, National Technology Invention Awards. Bio-H2 production with ethanol-type fermentation from organic wastewater (Ranked No.6) ? 2017, First prize, Science and Technology Award for Environmental Protection. New technology for deep purification of sewage in industrial agglomeration area. (Ranked No.1) ? 2009, First prize, Heilongjiang Province Technical Invention Award. An innovative technology for simultaneous removal of carbon, sulfur and nitrogen from wastewater (Ranked No.1) ? 2018, The 20th China Patent Excellence Awards (Ranked No.1) ? 2013, First prize, Natural Science Awards for the Outstanding Achievements in Scientific Research, Ministry of Education of China. Bioelectrochemical system enhanced wastewater treatment and energy recovery (Ranked No.4) ? 2003, First prize, Science & Technology awarded by Chinese Construction Council. Development and demonstration of innovative biological technology for high strength organic wastewater. (Ranked No.4) ? 2015, China Industry-University-Research Cooperation Innovation Award (Ranked No.1) ? 2014, Second prize, Heilongjiang Province Nature Science Award. Microbial electrolysis enhanced recalcitrant pollutants removal from wastewater (Ranked No.1) ? 2011, Second prize, Heilongjiang Province Nature Science Award. Bioenergy conversion from biomass/organic waste cascade utilization (Ranked No.1) ? 2009, Second prize, Heilongjiang Province Science & Technology Awards. Application of bioflocculants on water and wastewater treatment. (Ranked No.4) ? 2002, Second prize, Heilongjiang province science & Technology Progress Award. Novel biological technology for high strength organic industrial wastewater” (Ranked No.4) ? 2017, Special prize, The Tenth "Invention and Entrepreneurship Award" Personage Award of China Invention Association ? 2022, IWA Distinguished Fellows ? 2018, Fellow of China Association of Inventions ? 2011, Distinguished Professor of Yangtze River Scholar, Ministry of Education of China ? 2012, Awardee of National Outstanding Youth Science Fund Award, China ? 2016, Recipient of the National Ten-thousand People Program(China) ? 2013, Recipient of Youth Science and Technology Innovation Talent Award by Ministry of Science and Technology of China ? 2005, Recipient of New Centaury Distinguished Young Scientist by China Ministry of Education ? 2005, The Tenth Huo Yingdong Education Foundation Award for Outstanding Young Teachers in Higher Education Institutions ? 2005, The Seventh Heilongjiang Youth Science and Technology Award ? 2008, The Third Heilongjiang Province Overseas Country Award ? 2010, The Fifteenth Heilongjiang Province Distinguished Young Scientist Award
Selected Publications:
共发表SCI收录论文400余篇,其中第一和通讯作者SCI论文300余篇,H因子60(web of science 检索)。代表论著如下: ? Shuhao Liu, Jinglong Han*, Yangcheng Ding, Xiaoxu Gao, Haoyi Cheng, Hongcheng Wang, Chunshuang Liu, Aijie Wang*. Advanced reduction process to achieve efficient degradation of pyridine. Chemosphere, 2022, 287, 132240 ? Hong-cheng Wang, Ying Liu, Yu-meng Yang, Ying-ke Fang, Shuang Luo, Hao-yi Cheng, Ai-jie Wang*.Element sulfur-based autotrophic denitrification constructed wetland as an efficient approach for nitrogen removal from low C/N wastewater. Water Research,2022, 226, 119258 ? Min-Hua Cui, Lei Chen, Qian Zhang, Lan-Ying Liu, Hui Pan, He Liu, Ai-Jie Wang*.Understanding the effects of sludge characteristics on the biosorption of triclosan. Science of The Total Environment,2022, 842, 156665 ? Ying-ke Fang, Hong-cheng Wang*, Jing-long Han, Zhi-ling Li, Ai-jie Wang*.Enhanced nitrogen removal of constructed wetlands by coupling with the bioelectrochemical system under low temperature: Performance and mechanism. Journal of Cleaner Production2022, 350,131365 ? Fan Chen, Zhiling Li, Yin Ye, Miao Lv, Bin Liang, Ye Yuan, Hao-Yi Cheng, Yang Liu, Zhangwei He, Hongcheng Wang, Yuheng Wang, Aijie Wang*.Coupled sulfur and electrode-driven autotrophic denitrification for significantly enhanced nitrate removal. Water Research,2022,118675 ? Zhang-Wei He, Chun-Xue Yang, Cong-Cong Tang, Wen-Zong Liu, Ai-Juan Zhou, Yong-Xiang Ren, Ai-Jie Wang*. Response of anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge to residual ferric ions, Bioresource Technology 322, 2021, 124536 ? Hafiz Muhammad Adeel Sharif, Asif Mahmood, Ridha Djellabi, Hao-Yi Cheng*, Heng Dong, Fidelis Odedishemi Ajibade, Imran Ali, Bo Yang, Ai-Jie Wang*. Utilization of electrochemical treatment and surface reconstruction to achieve long lasting catalyst for NOx removal, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 401123440 ? Cong Huang, Qian Liu, Zhi-Ling Li*, Xiao-Dan Ma, Ya-Nan Hou, Nan-Qi Ren, Aijie Wang*. Relationship between functional bacteria in a denitrification desulfurization system under autotrophic, heterotrophic, and mixotrophic conditions. Water Research, 2021, 188, 116526 ? Mengyuan Qi, Bin Liang*, Long Zhang, Xiaodan Ma, Lei Yan, Wenchen Dong, Deyong Kong, Liying Zhang, Haizhen Zhu, Shu-Hong Gao, Jiandong Jiang, Shuang-Jiang Liu, Philippe F.-X Corvini, Aijie Wang*. Microbial interactions drive the complete catabolism of the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole in activated sludge microbiomes. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55, 3270?3282 ? Aijie Wang*, Ke Shi, Daliang Ning, Haoyi Cheng, Hongcheng Wang, Wenzong Liu, Shuhong Gao, Zhiling Li, Jinglong Han, Bin Liang*, Jizhong Zhou. Electrical selection for planktonic sludge microbial community function and assembly. Water Research, 2021, 206, 117744 ? Ai-Jie Wang*, Hong-Cheng Wang, Hao-Yi Cheng, Bin Liang, Wen-Zong Liu, Jing-Long Han, Bo Zhang, Shu-Sen Wang. Electrochemistry-stimulated environmental bioremediation: development of applicable modular electrode and system scale-up. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 2020, 3:100050 ? Xiaodan Ma, Bin Liang*, Mengyuan Qi, Hui Yun, Ke Shi, Zhiling Li, Yuanqiang Guo, Peisheng Yan, Shuang-Jiang Liu, Aijie Wang*. Novel pathway for chloramphenicol catabolism in the activated sludge bacterial isolate Sphingobium sp. CAP-1. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54:7591?7600 ? Tingting Zhu, Hao-Yi Cheng*, Lihui Yang, Shigang Su, Hongcheng Wang, Shusen Wang, Ai-Jie Wang*, Coupled sulfur and iron(II) carbonate-driven autotrophic denitrification for significantly enhanced nitrate removal. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53, 1545?1554 ? Aijie Wang, Wenzong Liu. Bioelectrosynthesis: Principles and Technologies for Value-Added Products”. Wiley. 2019 ? Aijie Wang, Bin Liang, Zhiling Li, Haoyi Cheng. Bioelectrochemistry Stimulated Environmental Remediation: From Bioelectrorespiration to Bioelectrodegradation. Springer. 2018

Supported Projects:
? Urban Sewage Low-Carbon Renewal and Water Quality Safety Collaborative Control Mechanism. Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China. 2023-2026. ? Ecological Utilization and Regulation Mechanism of Reclaimed Water (No. 52293440), Topic 3: Control Process Principles of Ecological Factors for Reclaimed Water (No. 52293443). Major Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China. 2023-2027. ? Low-carbon Urban Water System (No. 52321005). Innovative Research Group Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China. 2024-2028. ? Microbial-Plant-Electrical Multi-Effect Coupling Mechanism and Low-Consumption Type Remediation Technology. Topic 2: Directional Transformation and Control Mechanism of Toxic Organic Pollutants in Biological Enhanced Treatment Systems with Weak Electric Energy Intervention (No. 31861133001). NSFC Projects of International Cooperation and Exchanges(NSFC-EU). 2019-2022. ? Bio-degradation and metabolic regulation of low concentration recalcitrant toxic organic compounds in wastewater (No. 51225802). National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars. 2013-2016. ? Key technology for simultaneous carbon, nitrogen removal and sulfur recovery from wastewater (2011AA060904). National 863 Program. 2011-2015. ? Regulation of the micaro/nano interface of electrodes to deeply remove the hydrophobic micropllutans from wastewater (No.21577162). National Nature Science Foundation of China. 2016-2019. ? Bioaugmentation to enhance energy recovery from recalcitrant organic wastes (No.21611130180). NSFC Projects of International Cooperation and Exchanges(NSFC-RS). 2016-2018. ? Water quality improvement technologies and demonstration projects of heavily polluted river in the lower reaches of Huaihe River (2014ZX07204-005). National Water Pollution Control and Management Technology Major Projects. 2014 -2017. ? Key technologies and demonstration of the whole process pollution control for typical API manufacturing (ZDRW-ZS-2016-5-3). Key project of Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2016-2018. ? Research on generic technology of microbial community for human and environmental health (KFZD-SW-219-3). Key project of Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2017-2019. ? Development of Sulfur-Iron Co-Driven Deep Denitrification and Phosphorus Removal Technology and Process Equipment for Wastewater (Z181100005518004). Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Plan Project. 2018-2021. ? In-situ synthesis of microbial nano-palladium by electrically active bacteria to enhance degradation of recalcitrant contaminants (No. 31370157). National Nature Science Foundation of China. 2014 -2017. ? Advanced treatment technologies and demonstration projects of wastewater from industrial parks (KFJ-EW-STS-102). Science and Technology Service Network Initiative (STS) of Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2014-2016. ? Principles and technologies of directional biotransformation of pollutants (YSW2013B06). Project 135 of Chinese Academy of sciences. 2013-2015 ? Bio-degradation and resource recovery of pollutants in wastewater. “Hundred Talents Program” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2013-2016. ? Optimized bioconversion of crude glycerol into hydrogen and ethanol using. Executive Programme for Scientific and Technlogical Cooperation between the Italian Republic and the People’s Republic of China. 2013-2015. ? Bioelectrocatalysis assisted hydrolysis of recalcitrant wastewater and mechanisms (No. 51078100). National Nature Science Foundation of China. 2010-2013.
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Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100085, People’s Republic of China