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Research Interest:
Environmental Aquatic Chemistry at Solid/Water Interface and Drinking Water Safety in Distribution System
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Selected Publications:
Guiwei Li, Yuliang Su, Bin Wu, Qi Chen, Jianwei Yu, Min Yang, and Baoyou Shi*. Chloramine Prevents Manganese Accumulation in Drinking Water Pipes Compared to Free Chlorine by Simultaneously Inhibiting Abiotic and Biotic Mn(II) Oxidation. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 56, 112278-12287. Guiwei Li, Yuanyuan Zhao, Guangyu An, and Baoyou Shi*. Mn(II) Oxidation by Free Chlorine Catalyzed by the Hydrolytic Products of Ferric and Aluminum Species under Drinking Water Conditions. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 56, 10775?10784. Guiwei Li, Yuliang Su, Bin Wu, Guohang Han, Jianwei Yu, Min Yang, Baoyou Shi*. Initial Formation and Accumulation of Manganese Deposits in Drinking Water Pipes: Investigating the Role of Microbial-Mediated Processes, Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 56, 5497-5507. Xin Huang, Ying Yu, Huan Chen, Huikai Liang, Mengze Geng, Baoyou Shi*. Disinfection by-product formation and toxicity evaluation for chlorination with powered activated carbon, Water Research, 2021, 205,117660. Ying Yu, Guiwei Li, Ruya Chen, Baoyou Shi*. Trihalomethanes formation enhanced by manganese chlorination and deposition in plastic drinking water pipes, Water Research, 2021, 204, 117582. Ruya Chen, Guiwei Li, Yitian He, Linlin Pan, Ying Yu, Baoyou Shi*. Field study on the transportation characteristics of PFASs from water source to tap water. Water Research, 2021, 198, 117162. Ruya Chen, Yuan Zhuang*, Ying Yu, Baoyou Shi*. Enhanced perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) accumulation by combination with in-situ formed Mn oxides under drinking water conditions. Water Research, 2021, 190, 116660. Yuan Zhuang, Congcong Shen, Yifan Gu, Ruya Chen, Baoyou Shi*. Effect of trichloroacetic acid on iron oxidation: Implications on the control of DBPs and deposits in drinking water. Water Research, 2021, 189, 116632. Yuan Zhuang, Bingjun Han, Ruya Chen, Baoyou Shi*. Structural transformation and potential toxicity of iron-based deposits in drinking water distribution systems. Water Research, 2019, 165, 114999. Guiwei Li, Xu Ma, Ruya Chen, Ying Yu, Hui Tao, Baoyou Shi*. Field Studies of Manganese Deposition and Release in Drinking Water Distribution Systems: Insight into Deposit Control. Water Research, 2019,163, 114897. Guiwei Li, Haotian Hao, Yuan Zhuang, Ziqiao Wang, Baoyou Shi*. Powdered activated carbon enhanced Manganese(II) removal by chlorine oxidation, Water Research, 2019, 156, 287-296. Xin Huang, Baoyou Shi*, Haotian Hao, Yuliang Su, Bin Wu, Zeyu Jia, Chunmiao Wang, Qi Wang, Min Yang, Jianwei Yu. Identifying the function of activated carbon surface chemical properties in the removability of two common odor compounds. Water Research, 2020, 178,115797. Xin Huang, Qiang Lu, Haotian Hao, Qunshan Wei, Baoyou Shi*, Jianwei Yu*, Chunmiao Wang, Yang Wan. Evaluation of the treatability of various odor compounds by powdered activated carbon, Water Research, 2019, 156, 414-424. Haotian Hao, Yili Wang*, Baoyou Shi*. NaLa(CO3)2 hybridized with Fe3O4 for efficient phosphate removal: Synthesis and adsorption mechanistic study. Water Research, 2019, 155, 1-11.

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Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100085, People’s Republic of China