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Chemical biology of free radicals and transition metal complexes; Synergistic toxicity/mechanism
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Selected Publications:
Zhu B.Z.*, Kalyanaraman B., Jiang G.B. (2007) Molecular mechanism for metal-independent production of hydroxyl radicals by hydrogen peroxide and halogenated quinones. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104: 17575-17578. Zhu B.Z. *, Zhao H.T., Kalyanaraman B. Liu J., Shan G.Q., Du Y.G., Frei B. (2007) Mechanism of metal-independent decomposition of organic hydroperoxides and formation of alkoxyl radicals by halogenated quinones. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104: 3698-3702. Zhu B.Z.*, Shan G.Q., Huang C.H., Kalyanaraman B., Mao L., Du Y.G. (2009) Metal-independent decomposition of hydroperoxides by halogenated quinones: Detection and identification of a quinone ketoxy radical. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106: 11466-11471. Zhu B.Z.*, Zhu J.G., Kalyanaraman B., Mao L., Shan G.Q. (2010) Detoxifying polyhalogenated quinones by hydroxamic acids via an unusual double Lossen rearrangement. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107: 20286-20290. Zhu B.Z.*, Mao L., Huang C.H., Qin H., Fan R.M., Kalyanaraman B., Zhu J.G. (2012) Unprecedented hydroxyl radical-dependent two-step chemiluminescence production by polyhalogenated quinoid carcinogens and H2O2. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109: 16046-16051. Mao L., Quan Z., Liu Z.S., Huang C.H., Wang Z.H., Tang T.S., Li P.L., Shao J., Liu Y.J.*, Zhu B.Z.* (2023) Molecular mechanism of the metal-independent production of hydroxyl radicals by thiourea dioxide and H2O2. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Accepted Zhu B.Z., Zhao H.T., Kalyanaraman B., Frei B. (2002) Metal-independent production of hydroxyl radicals by chlorinated quinones and hydrogen peroxide: an ESR spin-trapping study. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 32: 465-473. Shao B., Mao L, Qu N, Wang YF, Gao HY, Li F, Qin L, Shao J, Huang CH, Xu D, Xie LN, Shen C, Zhou X, Zhu B.Z.* (2017) Mechanism of synergistic DNA damage induced by the hydroquinone metabolite of brominated phenolic environmental pollutants and Cu(II): Formation of DNA-Cu complex and site-specific production of hydroxyl radicals Free Radic. Biol. Med. 104: 54-63. Qin L, Huang CH, Xu D, Xie LN, Mao L, Shao J, Kalyanaraman B, Zhu B.Z.* Molecular mechanism for the activation of the anti-tuberculosis drug isoniazid by Mn(III): First detection and unequivocal identification of the critical N-centered isoniazidyl radical and its exact location. Free Radic Biol Med. 2019, 143, 232-239. Xu D, Huang CH, Qin L, Xie LN, Mao L, Shao J, Kalyanaraman B, Zhu B.Z.* (2020) An unexpected new pathway for nitroxide radical production via more reactve nitrogen-centered amidyl radical intermediate during detoxification of the carcinogenic halogenated quinones by N-alkyl hydroxamic acids. Free Radic Biol Med. 146:150-159. Huang CH, Xu D, Qin L, Li PL, Tang TS, Zhu B.Z.* (2020) An Unusual Two-step Claisen Rearrangement Reaction under Physiological Conditions. J. Org. Chem. 85: 14945-14953. Gao H.Y., Huang C.H., Mao L., Shao B., Shao J., Yan Z.Y., Tang M., Zhu B.Z.* (2020) First Direct and unequivocal ESR spin-trapping evidence for pH-dependent production of hydroxyl radicals from sulfate radicals. Environ Sci Technol. 54: 14046-14056. Li PL, Huang CH, Li J, Zhu B.Z.* (2023) An Unprecedented Free Radical Mechanism for the Formation of DNA Adducts by the Carcinogenic N-Sulfonated Metabolite of Aristolochic Acids. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 205:332-345. Mao L., Quan Z., Liu Z.S., Huang C.H., Liu Y.J., Zhu BZ* (2023) Molecular Mechanism for the Unprecedented Metal-independent Hydroxyl Radical Production from Thioureas and H2O2. Environ Sci Technol. (DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.2c00922.) Sheng Z.G., Zhu B.Z.* (2011) Low Concentrations of Bisphenol A Induce Mouse Spermatogonial Cell Proliferation by G-Protein-Coupled Receptor 30 and Estrogen Receptor-α. Environ. Health Perspect. 119: 1775-1780. Zhu B.Z.*, Chao X.J., Huang C.H., Li Y. (2016) Delivering the cell-impermeable DNA ‘light-switch’ Ru(II) complexes preferentially into live-cell nucleus via an unprecedented ion-pairing method. Chem. Sci. 7: 4016-4023.

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Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100085, People’s Republic of China