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Solid Waste Management,Environmental Analysis,Industrial Ecology,Urban Ecology
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Selected Publications:
Lyu Zhang,Yijie Liu,Zhilan Zhao,Guang Yang,Shijun Ma,Chuanbin Zhou *.Estimating the quantities and compositions of household plastic packaging waste in China by integrating large-sample questionnaires and lab-test methods.Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2023(198) :107192.; Yuehao Zhi,Shijun Ma,Jing Qin,Zhilan Zhao, Chuanbin Zhou?.Assessing the city-level material stocks in landfills and the landfill mining potential of China.Environmental Research,2023,236:116737.; Yijie, Liu, Jiarong Lai, Qian Feng, Guang Yang, Jianxin Yang, Chuanbin Zhou*. Supply chain plastic footprint analysis. Circular Economy, 2023, 100037.; Guang Yang, Qian Zhang, Zhilan Zhao, Chuanbin Zhou*. How does the “Zero-waste City” strategy contribute to carbon footprint reduction in China? Waste Management, 2023, 156, 227-235.; Hantao Dong, Guang Yang, Yamin Zhang, Yanying Yang, Dawei Wang, Chuanbin Zhou*. Recycling, disposal, or biodegradable-alternative of polyethylene plastic film for agricultural mulching? A life cycle analysis of their environmental impacts. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 380, 134950.; Chuanbin Zhou*, Ningxin Huang, Guang Yang, Shijun Ma. Assessing the sustainability of municipal solid waste management in China 1980-2019. Sustainable Horizons, 2022, 2, 100020.; Chuanbin Zhou*, Shijun Ma, Xiao Yu, Zhuqi Chen, Jingru Liu, Li Yan.?A comparison study of bottom-up and top-down methods for analyzing the physical composition of municipal solid waste.?Journal of Industrial Ecology,2021,13128.; Shijun Ma, Chuanbin Zhou*, et al. Leachate from municipal solid waste landfills in a global perspective: Characteristics, influential factors and environmental risks. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 333, 103234.; Chuanbin Zhou*, Guang Yang, Shijun Ma, Yijie Liu, Zhilan Zhao.?The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on waste-to-energy and waste-to-material industry in China.?Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021, 139, 110693.; Shijun Ma,?Chuanbin Zhou*,?Ce Chi,?Yijie Liu,?Guang Yang.?Estimating Physical Composition of Municipal Solid Waste in China by Applying Artificial Neural Network Method.?Environmental Science & Technology,?2020, 54, (15):?9609-9617.; Guang Yang,?Chuanbin Zhou*, Wenlai Wang, Shijun Ma, Hongju Liu, Yijie Liu, Zhilan Zhao. Recycling sustainability of waste paper industry in Beijing City: An analysis based on value chain and GIS model.?Waste Management, 2020, 106: 62-70.; Yijie Liu,?Chuanbin Zhou*, Feng Li, Hongju, Liu, Jianxin Yang. Stocks and flows of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) in China: 1980-2050.?Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2020, 154: 104584.; Jinjin Chen,?Chuanbin Zhou*, Feng Li. Quantifying the green view indicator for assessing urban greening quality: an analysis based on internet-crawling street view data.?Ecological Indicators, 2020,113:106192.; Chuanbin Zhou*, Ayman Elshkaki, Thomas E Graedel. Global human appropriation of net primary production and associated resource decoupling: 2010-2050.?Environmental Science & Technology. 2018, 52(1): 1208-1215.; Chuanbin Zhou*, Daqian Jiang, Zhilan Zhao. Quantification of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Pre-Disposal Stage of Municipal Solid Waste Management.?Environmental Science & Technology. 2017, 51 (1), 320–327.; ?Hui Gao,?Chuanbin Zhou*, Feng Li, Baolong Han, Xiuxia Li. Economic and environmental analysis of five Chinese rural toilet technologies based on the economic input–output life cycle assessment.?Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 163: 379-391.; Wanying Xu,?Chuanbin Zhou*, Aixin Cao, Min Luo. Understanding the mechanism of food waste management by using stakeholder analysis and social network model: An industrial ecology perspective.?Ecological Modelling. 2016, 337: 63–72.

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