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Education and Appointments:
Dong Rencai, Professor in the State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Expert of Forest and grass ecological Comprehensive monitoring and evaluation working group, Member of the Professional Committee of Environmental Damage assessment.

Research Interest:
Urban Sustainable Development and Landsenses Ecology
Public Services:
Expert of Forest and grass ecological Comprehensive monitoring and evaluation working group, Member of the Professional Committee of Environmental Damage assessment

Third prize of the scientific and technological progress in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in 2002; First prize of Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award of Guangdong Province
Selected Publications:
Rencai Dong, Chencan Lv, Chen Weng, Anxin Lian, Lulu Zhang, Jialiang Chen, Mai Ye. Environmental damage compensation for illegal solid waste dumping in China, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2023. 253(114657) 董仁才,吕晨璨,翁辰,张永霖.景感生态学原理及应用[J].生态学报,2022,42(10):4236-4244. Jia T, Zhang Y, Weng C, Dong R*. Improving remote sensing retrieval of global ocean transparency with optical water classification[J]. Ecological Indicators, 2022, 143: 109359. Jia T, Zhang Y, Dong R*. A Universal Fuzzy Logic Optical Water Type Scheme for the Global Oceans. REMOTE SENS-BASEL, 2021, 13(19): 4018. Zhang Y, Li S, Fu X, Dong R*. Quantification of urban greenery using hemisphere-view panoramas with a green cover index. Ecosystem health and sustainability, 2021, 7(1): 1929502. Zhang Y, Li S, Dong R*, et al. Quantifying physical and psychological perceptions of urban scenes using deep learning[J]. Land Use Policy, 2021, 111: 105762. Zhang X, Zhao M, Dong R*. Time-Series Prediction of Environmental Noise for Urban IoT Based on Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10(3): 1144. Jia T, Zhang X, Dong R*. Long-Term Spatial and Temporal Monitoring of Cyanobacteria Blooms Using MODIS on Google Earth Engine: A Case Study in Taihu Lake. REMOTE SENS-BASEL, 2019, 11(19): 2269. Dong R*, Zhang X, Li H. Constructing the Ecological Security Pattern for Sponge City: A Case Study in Zhengzhou, China. WATER-SUI, 2019, 11(2): 284. Dong R*, Zhang Y, Zhao J. How Green Are the Streets Within the Sixth Ring Road of Beijing? An Analysis Based on Tencent Street View Pictures and the Green View Index. INT J ENV RES PUB HE, 2018, 15(7): 1367. Zhang Y, Dong R*. Impacts of Street-Visible Greenery on Housing Prices: Evidence from a Hedonic Price Model and a Massive Street View Image Dataset in Beijing. ISPRS INT J GEO-INF, 2018, 7(3): 104."

Supported Projects:
2022-2025: National key research and development of China project of the 14th five-year plan, Research on urban sustainable development evaluation data fusion management technology(No. 2022YFC3802903), Leader. 2023-2024: The Project Supported by the Open Fund of Key Laboratory of Urban Land Resources Monitoring and Simulation,Ministry of Natural Resources(KF-2022-07-013), Leader. 2019-2023: Class A Strategic Leading Science and Technology Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences “Science and Technology Project for Beautiful China with Ecological Civilization Construction” Project 3 Topic 4 “Development and Demonstration of Integrated Monitoring Technological Equipment and Intelligent Management Platform for Urban Agglomeration Ecosystem in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” (No. XDA230304), Leader. 2016-2020: National key research and development of China project of the 13th five-year plan “Technical methods for determining the baseline, causality and extent of urban eco-environmental damage” (Number:2016YFC0503605), Leader. 2016-2017: Project of China urban planning and design research institute “Special study on urban planning ecology of Zhengzhou Sponge City”, Leader. 2013-2015: The 12th five-year plan project for national science and technology support project "Research on dynamic monitoring and fusion technology of urban sustainability assessment data"(Number: 2013BAJ04B03), Leader. 2011-2015: The 12th five-year plan project for national science and technology support project "Southwest ecological security barrier construction technology and demonstration" (Number:2011BAC09B08), Subproject leader. 2010-2013: "Construction and demonstration of digital urban environmental network" which is an important project of knowledge innovation project of Chinese academy of sciences (Number: KZCX2-YW-453), Second leader, Executive. 2008-2016: The National key laboratory of urban and regional ecology project "Urban and regional ecological science database construction", Principal. 2008-2009: China national commission for disaster reduction, Chinese academy of sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China and Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China "Ecological environment impact assessment of Wenchuan earthquake disaster", Principal participant, Liaison. 2007-2009: Upper and middle yellow river bureau, YRCC (the UK grant for small watershed management project), "Comprehensive evaluation methods and models of small watershed", Leader. 2006-2007: Ministry of science and technology of the people’s republic of China department of environmental impact assessment, "Remote sensing monitoring of ecosystem change along Qinghai-Tibet railway", Principal participant. 1998-2002: The Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region science and technology commission project "3S technology applied in landscape greening in Yinchuan area", Leader. 1996-2000: Ningxia forestry department Sino-German joint afforestation project "Research on the construction technology of eco-economic protective forest at the eastern foot of Helan mountain in Sino-German Cooperation", Leader.
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Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100085, People’s Republic of China