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Education and Appointments:
Dr. Fubo Luan is a Professor at the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Education: 2006-2009 Ph.D College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, China 2003-2006 M.S. College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shandong University, China 1999-2003 B.S. College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shandong University, China Work Experience: 2015-Present Professor Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2009-2015 Postdoctoral Researcher Dept. of Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering, The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Research Interest:
Transformation processes and control technologies of environmental contaminants
Public Services:

Selected Publications:
Lin, L. M.; Liu, T.; Qie, Y. K.; Liu, W. B.; Meng, Y.; Yuan, Q. K.; Luan, F.*, Electrocatalytic removal of low-concentration uranium using TiO2 nanotube arrays/Ti mesh electrodes. Environmental Science & Technology 2022, 56, (18), 13327-13337. Liu, T.; Yuan, J. L.; Zhang, B.; Liu, W. B.; Lin, L. M.; Meng, Y.; Yin, S. F.; Liu, C. B.*; Luan, F.*, Removal and recovery of uranium from groundwater using direct electrochemical reduction method: performance and implications. Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53, (24), 14612-14619. Xie, F. Y.; Yu, M. C.; Yuan, Q. K.; Meng, Y.; Qie, Y. K.; Shang, Z. M.; Luan, F.*; Zhang, D. L.*, Spatial distribution, pollution assessment, and source identification of heavy metals in the Yellow River. J Hazard Mater 2022, 436, 1-12. Liu, W. B.; Lin, L. M.; Qie, Y. K.; Meng, Y.; Luan, F.*, Continuous and efficient uranium recovery in a bioelectrochemical system. Resources Conservation and Recycling 2022, 177, 1-7. Zhao, Z. W.; Yuan, Q. K.; Meng, Y.; Luan, F.*, Oxidation of bioreduced iron-bearing clay mineral triggers arsenic immobilization. Environ Sci Pollut R 2022, 29, (29), 44874-44882. Zhao, Z. W.; Meng, Y.; Yuan, Q. K.; Wang, Y. H.; Lin, L. M.; Liu, W. B.; Luan, F.*, Microbial mobilization of arsenic from iron-bearing clay mineral through iron, arsenate, and simultaneous iron-arsenate reduction pathways. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 763, 1-8. Zhao, Z. W.; Meng, Y.; Wang, Y. H.; Lin, L. M.; Xie, F. Y.; Luan, F.*, Anaerobic oxidation of arsenite by bioreduced nontronite. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2021, 110, 21-27. Liu, W. B.; Lin, L. M.; Meng, Y.; Zhao, Z. W.; Wang, Y. H.; Luan, F.*, Recovery and separation of uranium in a microbial fuel cell using a titanium dioxide nanotube array cathode. Environ Sci-Nano 2021, 8, (8), 2214-2222. Luan, F.; Burgos, W. D., Effects of solid-phase organic carbon and hydraulic residence time on manganese(II) removal in a passive coal mine drainage treatment system. Mine Water and the Environment 2019, 38, (1), 130-135. Meng, Y., Zhao, Z., Burgos, W. D., Li, Y., Zhang, B., Wang, Y., ... Luan, F.*, 2018. Iron(III) minerals and anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS) synergistically enhance bioreduction of hexavalent chromium by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. Science of the Total Environment, 640-641, 591-598. Luan, F.;, Zhang G.X.; Senko J.M.; Burgos, W.D., 2015. Effects of supplemental organic carbon on long-term reduction and reoxidation of uranium. RSC Advances. 5, 32210–32216. Luan, F.; Gorski, C.A.; Burgos, W.D., 2015. Linear free energy relationships for the biotic and abiotic reduction of nitroaromatic compounds. Environmental Science & Technology. 49, 3557–3565.. Luan, F.; Liu, Y.; Griffin A.M.; Gorski, C.A.; Burgos, W.D., 2015. Iron(III)-bearing clay minerals enhance bioreduction of nitrobenzene by Shewanella Putrefaciens CN32. Environmental Science & Technology. 49, 1418?1426. Luan, F.; Gorski, C.A.; Burgos, W.D., 2014. Thermodynamic controls on the microbial reduction of iron-bearing nontronite and uranium. Environmental Science & Technology. 48, 2750?2758. Luan, F.; Burgos, W.D., 2012. Sequential extraction method for determination of Fe(II/III) and U(IV/VI) in suspensions of iron-bearing phyllosilicates and uranium. Environmental Science & Technology 46, 11995-12002. Luan, F.; Burgos, W.D.; Xie, L.; Zhou, Q., 2010. Bioreduction of Nitrobenzene, Natural Organic Matter, and Hematite by Shewanella putrefaciens CN32. Environmental Science & Technology 44, 184-190. Luan, F.; Xie, L.; Li, J.; Zhou, Q., 2013. Abiotic reduction of nitroaromatic compounds by Fe(II) associated with iron oxides and humic acid. Chemosphere. 91, 1035-1041. Luan, F.; Xie, L.; Sheng, J.; Li, J.; Zhou, Q.; Zhai, G.M., 2012. Reduction of nitrobenzene by steel convert slag with Fe(II) system: The role of calcium in steel slag. Journal of Hazardous Materials 217, 416-421.

Supported Projects:
The effect of redox process of iron-bearing clay minerals driven by microorganism on the arsenic mobilization, PI, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 610,000 RMB. 2020-2023. The principles and processes of removing uranium from groundwater by electrode in-situ concentration, PI, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 630,000 RMB. 2017-2021. China-Myanmar Safe Drinking Water Demonstration Project, PI, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2,750,000 RMB. 2018-2023. In-situ electrochemical removal of uranium from groundwater, National Key Research and Development Program of China, 1,620,000 RMB. 2020-2022. Excellent of 100 Talents Program, PI, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2,000,000 RMB. 2016-2019.
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Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100085, People’s Republic of China