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Research Interest:
Simulation and optimization of ecosystem services
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Selected Publications:
Feng Xiaoming; Fu Bojie; Zhang Yuan; Pan Naiqing; Zeng Zhenzhong; Tian Hanqin; Lyu Yihe; Chen Yongzhe; Ciais Philippe; Wang Yingping; Zhang Lu; Cheng Lei; Maestre Fernando T.; Fernández-Martínez Marcos; Sardans Jordi; Pe?uelas Josep ; Recent leveling off of vegetation greenness and primary production reveals the increasing soil water limitations on the greening Earth will be published in Science Bulletin., Science Bulletin, 2021, 66(14): 1462-1471. Feng Xiaoming; Li Jiaxing; Cheng Wei; Fu Bojie; Wang Yunqiang; Lu Yihe; Shao Ming'an ; Evaluation of AMSR-E retrieval by detecting soil moisture decrease following massive dryland revegetation in the Loess Plateau, China, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2017, 196: 253-264 Feng Xiaoming; Fu Bojie; Piao Shilong; Wang Shuai; Ciais Philippe; Zeng Zhenzhong; Lü Yihe; Zeng Yuan; Li Yue; Jiang Xiaohui; Wu Bingfang ; Revegetation in China’s Loess Plateau is approaching sustainable water resource limits, Nature Climate Change, 2016, 6: 1019-1022 Chen Yongzhe; Feng Xiaoming; Fu Bojie; Ma Haozhi; Zohner Constantin M.; Crowther Thomas W.; Huang Yuanyuan; Wu Xutong; Wei Fangli ; Maps with 1 km resolution reveal increases in aboveand belowground forest biomass carbon pools in China over the past 20 years, Earth System Science Data, 2023, 15(2): 897-910. Zhou Chaowei; Fu Bojie; Wang Xiaofeng; Yin Lichang; Feng Xiaoming ; The Regional Impact of Ecological Restoration in the Arid Steppe on Dust Reduction over the Metropolitan Area in Northeastern China, Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54: 7775-7786.

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Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100085, People’s Republic of China