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Intensive training “Publishing in international journals”
Update time: 2012-05-21
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June 4 – 29, 2012, Room 608, Eco-building

Theo Beckers PhD, em. Professor Tilburg University, visiting professor CAS/RCEES and Editor-in-Chief of Environmental Development will teach a selected number of RCEES graduate students, to improve their skills in designing, writing and submitting papers for international journals. The free course includes classes on Monday 08.30 – 11.30 and Friday 13.00 – 16.00. During the course students are expected to perform tasks.

Students, interested in active participation, are requested to send their application before June 1 to jjyuan@rcees.ac.cn.The application in English should include a picture, name, age, e-mail address, phone number, master program + university, content and planning PhD project, publications so far, what you hope to learn.

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