On July 30th, Dr. James Liu, Assistant Director of American Chemical Society’s publication technologies visited Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences (RCEES), Chinese Academy of Sciences and make a presentation and discussion.
In today’s seminar, James first thanked the institution for the invitation to give the presentation and the opportunity to discuss with professors and students about their research and ways ACS can help with their research and publication.
James then discussed the emerging trends in the STEM publication, including “The machine is the new reader”, “The return to authors”, and “The new players change the game”. The emerging trends demonstrated the increasingly importance areas such as text and data mining, smart article, big data analysis, new authoring tools, better experience and better research experience. He also pointed out the impact of social media like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, WeChat, etc.
Afterwards, James gave an overview of ACS Publications, from the history of ACS to the high quality portfolio of products including ACS journals, E-books, and Chemical & Engineering News.
James explained why ACS consistently maintains the high quality in editorial, global editor/author support, production, and web delivery. He then shared the continued progression both in article downloads and manuscript submission and publication from China. ACS has taken an active role in open access movement. ACS implemented four initiatives, ACS AuthorChoice, ACS Editor’s Choice, ACS Author Rewards, and ACS Central Science.In the presentation, James described the new features on the ACS delivery platform, including ACS ChemWorx, Liveslide, ActiveViewPdf, among others.
At the end, James discussed with the audience on various tools researchers in the institution use and comments and suggestions from everyone.
American Chemical Society(ACS) is the largest scientific society global and ACS Publications manages the scholarly publishing program of ACS. Nearly 50 journals such as Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS), Chemical Reviews, Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T) and Environmental Science & Technology letter were published by ACS Publication. The first ACS Publications office in China (ES&T Asian Office) was set up in RCEES the early year of 2006 and close cooperation was made between ACS Publications and RCEES since then. Around 40 researchers and students from RCEES attended the seminar.

State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology
July 31, 2015