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Nobel Laureate Professor Molina visits RCEES
Update time: 2011-09-27
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On September 25, invitted by Professor JIANG Guibin, Nobel Laureate Professor Mario J. Molina visited Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (RCEES).

Professor Molina is a renowned scientist around the world in the field of atmospheric science. He was elected as the member of U. S. National Academy of Sciences, the Institutes of Medicine and Mexico Academy of Sciences. Professor Molina won the Nobel Prize in 1995 for his contribution on explaining the mechanism of chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs) destroying the ozonosphere.

During the visit, Professor Molina knew the foundational state of RCEES from Professor JIANG’s introduction and visited ES&T Asian Office and the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology (SKLECE). He was very interested in the administrative and operating mechanism of ES&T Asian Office. After communicated with some principal investigators of SKLECE, Professor Molina commended the work of SKLECE and hope both sides can launch deepening cooperation in the future.

Afterwards, Professor Molina delivered a speech with the title of “Climate Change: Science and Policy” concerning about global CO2 emission, climate change and melting glaciers in academic hall of CAS. Professor DING Zhongli, the vice president of CAS met with Professor Molina after the speech. Both sides exchanged ideas on universal concerned environmental problems such as climate change and air pollution control and discussed the possibility of the further cooperation in common interest areas.

Vice president of CAS Ding Zongli met Prof. Molina 
 Prof. Molina delivered the speech
Prof. Molina visited SKLECE
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Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100085, People’s Republic of China