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Update time: 2009-07-12
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SCOPE was established in 1969 as an international scientific non-governmental organization to identify and undertake analyses of emerging environmental issues that are caused by or impact on humans and the environment. It is a worldwide network to guide and develop scientific programs on environmental problems, consisting of 40 national science academies and research councils, 22 international scientific unions, committees and societies. SCOPE CAST CHINA is one of its members.

The scientific programs of SCOPE are designed to cover environmental issues--either global or shared by several nations-- in urgent need of interdisciplinary syntheses through synthesis, assessment, and evaluation of information available on natural and human-made environmental change and the effects of these changes on people. SCOPE offers interdisciplinary reviews of existing and potential environmental problems, and has become a recognized authority at the interface between the science and decision-making spheres, providing advisors, policy planners and decision-maker with analytical tools to promote sound management and policy practices.

The SCOPE scientific programs focus on the concepts and practices of sustainability. Projects are organized under three clusters of closely related and interactive studies. They are managing societal & natural resources, ecosystem process & biodiversity, and health & environment.


Email: score@rcees.ac.cn


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Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100085, People’s Republic of China