CHEN Weiping
Highest Education: Ph.D
Office: 18 Shuangqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Phone: 010-62843981
Zip Code: 100085
Fax: 010-62918177
Education and Appointments:

Dr. Weiping Chen graduated from University of California, Riverside and was employed as a professor of Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences since 2009 through the 100 Talents Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His researches mainly focus on regional ecological risk assessment, soil heavy metal pollution and remediation, etc. Dr. Chen published more than 100 scientific papers 5 book chapters and 3 model in recent years.

Research Interest:

Ecological Risk Assessment, Soil pollution and Remediation, Environmental Modeling

Selected Publications:

1. Xuzhi Li, Meie Wang*, Weiping Chen*, Rong Jiang. Evaluation of combined toxicity of Siduron and cadmium on earthworm (Eisenia fetida) using Biomarker Response Index. Science of the Total Environment. 2019. 646: 893-901.

2. Li Xiaonuo, Andrew B. Cundy, Chen Weiping*. Fuzzy synthetic evaluation of contaminated site management policy from the perspective of stakeholders: a case study from China. Journal of Cleaner Production.2018, 198: 1593-1601.

3. Xie T, Wang M, Chen W*, Uwizeyimana H. Impacts of Urbanization Patterns on the earthworm communities in residential areas in Beijing. Science of the Total Environment        , 2018. 626:1261-1269.

4. Xie T, Wang M, Su C, Chen W*. Evaluation of the natural attenuation capacity of urban residential soils with ecosystem-service performance index (EPX) and entropy-weight methods. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 238: 222-229.

5. Yang Yang, Andrew C. Chang, WangMeie, Chen Weiping*, Peng Chi. Assessing cadmium exposure risks of vegetables with plant uptake factor and soil property. Environmental Pollution.        2018, 238:263-269

6. Herman U wizeyimana, Meie Wang, Weiping Chena, Kifayatullah Khan. Ecotoxicological effects of binary mixtures of siduron and Cd on mRNA expression in the earthworm Eisenia fetida. Science of the Total Environment. 2018. 610–611: 657–665.

7. Peng Kang,Weiping Chen a, Ying Houa, Yuanzheng Li. Linking ecosystem services and ecosystem health to ecological risk assessment: A case study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration. Science of the Total Environment. 2018.636: 1442-1454.

8. Jiang Rong, Wang Meie*, Chen Weiping. Ecological risk evaluation of combined pollution of herbicide siduron and heavy metals in soils. Science of The Total Environment. 2018, 626: 1047-1056.

9. Hou Ying, Li Bo*, Müller Felix, Fu Qi, Chen Weiping. A conservation decision-making framework based on ecosystem service hotspot and interaction analyses on multiple scales. Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 643: 277-291

10. Jiang Rong, Wang Meie*, Chen Weiping, Li Xuzhi. Characterization of adsorption and desorption of lawn herbicide siduron in heavy metal contaminated soils. Chemosphere.2018, 204: 483-491.

11. Yang Yang, Wang meie, Li yanling, Peng Chi, Chen weiping*. Evaluating the potential health risk of toxic trace elements in vegetables: Accounting for variations in soil factors. Science of The Total Environment. 2017. 58: 942-949.

12. Li, Xiaonuo, Jiao Wentao, Xiao Rongbo. Contaminated sites in China: Countermeasures of provincial governments. Journal of cleaner production. 2017. 147: 485-496.

13. Wen Liu, Andrew Chang, Weiping Chen*, Weiqi Zhou, Qi Feng. A framework for the urban eco-metabolism model-Linking metabolic processes to spatial patterns. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2017. 165:168-176

14. Xian Yu, Wang Meie, Chen Weiping*. Quantitative assessment on soil enzyme activities of heavy metal contaminated soils with various soil properties[J]. Chemosphere, 2015. 139: 604-608

15. Wang Meie, Chen Weiping*, Peng Chi. Risk assessment of Cd polluted paddy soils in the industrial and township areas in Hunan;Southern China[J].Chemosphere. 2016.144: 346-351.

16. Liu Rui, Wang Meie, Chen Weiping*, Peng Chi. Spatial pattern of heavy metals accumulation risk in urban soils of Beijing and its influencing factors[J]. Environmental Pollution.2016. 210: 174-181.

17. Peng Chi, Wang Meie, Chen Weiping *. Modeling cadmium contamination in paddy soils under long-term remediation measures: model development and stochastic simulations; Environmental Pollution.2016. 216: 146-155.

18. Yang Yang, Chen Weiping*, Wang Meie, Peng Chi. Regional accumulation characteristics of cadmium in vegetables: Influencing factors; transfer model and indication of soil threshold content[J]. Environmental Pollution. 2016. 219:1036-1043.

19. Chen Weiping*, Lu Sidan, Pan Neng, et al. Impact of reclaimed water irrigation on soil health in urban green areas[J]. Chemosphere, 2015. 119: 654-661.

20. Peng Chi, Wang Meie, Chen Weiping*, Andrew C. Chang. Mass balance-based regression modeling of PAHs accumulation in urban soils, role of urban development[J]. Environmental Pollution, 2015, 197: 21-27.

21. 谢武双,李贵杰,陈卫平*, 韶关市翁源县铁龙林场土壤重金属修复,环境工程学报,2018,12(9):2690-2698

23. 陈卫平*,杨阳,谢天,王美娥, 彭驰,王若丹, 中国农田土壤重金属污染防治挑战与对策.,土壤学报,2018,55(2):1-9

24. 陈卫平*,谢天,李笑诺,王若丹,欧美发达国家场地土壤污染防治技术体系概述,土壤学报,2018,55(3):527-542

    陈卫平*, 谢天,李笑诺,王若丹,中国土壤污染防治技术体系建设思考,土壤学报,2018,55(3): 558-569.

25. 陈卫平*, 杨阳,谢天, 王美娥,彭驰,王若丹, 我国农田土壤重金属污染防治挑战与对策,土壤学报, 2018,55(2):261-272


陈卫平,彭驰,Soil Trace Element Model(Profile Distribution),2014.02.19,中国,2014SR019954

陈卫平,彭驰,Soil Trace Element Model(Single Layer),2014.02.19,中国,2014SR019712


Peter S. Hooda, Trace Elements in soils (Assessing long-term fate of trace elements in biosolids amendment soils, in “Trace elements in soils”), A John Wiley and Sons, Ltd, Publication, 2010

Wesley W.Wallender,Ph.D.,P.E.,and Kenneth.K. Tanji, Sc.D., Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management,Second Edition (Deficiencies and toxicities of trace elements) ,Amercian Society of Civil Engineers, 2015


Supported Projects:

Modelling the regional soil heavy metal pollution process and its spatial heterogeneity, supported by NSFC
Ecological risk associated with long term reclaimed water irrigation of urban Greenland and regulation strategy , supported by NSFC
Assessing the ecological risk associated with urban impervious surface expansion, supported by NSFC
Influences and mechanisms of urbanization on regional environmental quality and ecological services, supported by NSFC
