Faculty and Staff
ZHOU Chuanbin
Highest Education: Ph.D
Office: 18 Shuangqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Phone: 010-62849147
Zip Code: 100085
Fax: 010-62943807
Email: cbzhou@rcees.ac.cn
Education and Appointments:

  B.S. (Environmental Science and Engineering), Wuhan University of Technology, 2003, China 

  M.A. (Environmental Science and Engineering), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2006, China 

  Ph.D. (Environmental Economics and Management), Research Center for Eco-Environmental Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2009, China 

  Associate Professor (2014- ), Assistant Professor (2009-2013), State Key Lab for Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences 

  Secretary-general (2010- ), Technical Commission of Eco-Health and Human Ecology, Ecological Society of China 

  Visiting Scholar (2016- ), School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University. 

Research Interest:

Ecological engineering for resource recycling

Selected Publications:

  1. Chuanbin Zhou, Rusong Wang*, Wenrui Yang, Jiasheng Jin . Ecological-Economic Assessment of Ecological Sanitation Development in the Cities of Chinese Loess Plateau. Ecological complexity. 2010, 7(2): 162-169. 

  2. Chuanbin Zhou, Rusong Wang*, Yishan Zhang. Fertilizer efficiency and environmental risk of irrigating ornamental with compost leachate in decentralized solid waste management. Waste Management. 2010, 30(6): 1000-1005. 

  3. Chuanbin Zhou, Dan Hu*, Rusong Wang, Jingru Liu. Exergetic assessment of municipal solid waste management system in south Beijing. Ecological complexity. 2011, 8(2): 171-176.  

  4. Chuanbin Zhou, Wenjun Fang, Wanying Xu, Aixin Cao, Rusong Wang*. Characteristics and the recovery potential of plastic wastes obtained from landfill mining. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2014, 80(1): 80-86.  

  5. Chuanbin Zhou*, Zhe Gong, Junsong Hu, Aixin Cao, Hanwen Liang. A cost-benefit analysis of landfill mining and material cycling in China. Waste Management. 2015, 35: 191-198.  

  6. Chuanbin Zhou*, Wanying Xu, Zhe Gong, Wenjun Fang, Aixin Cao. Characteristics and fertilizer effects of the soil-like materials obtained from landfill mining. Clean– Soil, Air, Water. 2015, 43(6): 940-947. 

  7. Chuanbin Zhou*, Heping Huang, Aixin Cao, Wanying Xu. Modeling the carbon cycle of the municipal solid waste management system for urban metabolism. Ecological Modelling. 2015, 318 (24): 150-156. 

  8. Yao Shi, Chuanbin Zhou*, Rusong Wang, Wanying Xu. Measuring China’s regional ecological development through “EcoDP”. Ecological Indicators. 2012, 15(1): 253-262.  

  9. Min Liu, Chuanbin Zhou*, Rusong Wang. Assessment of LID-BMPs for urban runoff control in newly developing zones: the case of Yanming Lake residential district, China. Disaster Advance. 2013, 6(9): 3-10.  

  10. Wanying Xu, Chuanbin Zhou*, Yajun Lan, Jiasheng Jin, Aixin Cao. An incentive-based source separation model for sustainable municipal solid waste management in China. Waste Management & Research, 2015, 33( 5): 469-476. 

  11. Hui Gao, Chuanbin Zhou*, Rusong Wang, Xiuxia Li. Comparison and evaluation of co-composting corn stalk or rice husk with swine waste in China. Waste Biomass and Valorization, 2015, 6: 699-710. 

  12. Hui Gao, Chuanbin Zhou*, Feng Li, Baolong Han, Xiuxia Li. Economic and environmental analysis of five Chinese rural toilet technologies based on the economic input-–output life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, in press. 

Supported Projects:

  1. The Carbon Emission of Municipal Solid Waste Management under Urban-Rural Gradient of Typical Mega-City, National Scientific Foundation of China (41201579), 2013-2015, program leader. 

  2. Minimization and Recycling Technologies for Community Based Municipal Solid Waste Management, Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Key Research and Development Program of China, 2011-2015, program leader. 

  3. The Managing Mechanism and Methods of Industrial Ecology, National Scientific Foundation of China (71033005), 2011-2014, main participant, in charge of the mechanism of recycling and reverse logistics. 


  1. First Prize for Progress in Science and Technology of Hubei Province, China, 2007: Ecological methods of municipal solid waste landfill and leachate treatment. 

  2. Ford Motor Environmental Prize, 2007: Research on Classification and Recycling of Household Garbage through Joint Efforts of Scavengers and Community Residence.