Faculty and Staff
QI Jing
Highest Education: Ph.D
Office: 18 Shuangqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Phone: 010-62849160
Zip Code: 100085
Fax: 010-62849160
Email: jingqi@rcees.ac.cn
Education and Appointments:
 Dr. Qi received her Ph.D. degree from the Research Center for Eco-environmental Sciences (RCEES), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 2017. Then she joined the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry in RCEES as an assistant professor (Associate Professor from 2021). Her research is focused on algae removal and secondary pollution control, mainly involve the growth, metabolism and biochemical regulation methods of algae in raw water, the mechanism of oxidative stress in algae and the biological interaction mechanism between algae and bacteria, the control of algal organic matter release and the enhanced flocculation technology of algae removal, and so on. Dr. Qi has presided several research projects sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and other scientific research management departments in China. She has published over 20 papers in journals and one national invention patent.

Research Interest:
 Algae removal and secondary pollution control
Selected Publications:
  1. Jing Qi, Huachun Lan*, Ruiping Liu, Huijuan Liu, Jiuhui Qu. Efficient Microcystis aeruginosa removal by moderate photocatalysis-enhanced coagulation with magnetic Zn-doped Fe3O4 particles, Water Research, 2020, 171: 115448.
  2. Jing Qi, Huachun Lan, Ruiping Liu*, Huijuan Liu, Jiuhui Qu. Fe(II)-regulated moderate pre-oxidation of Microcystis aeruginosa and formation of size-controlled algae flocs for efficient flotation of algae cell and organic matter, Water Research, 2018, 137: 57-63.
  3. Jing Qi, Huachun Lan*, Huijuan Liu, Ruiping Liu, Shiyu Miao, Jiuhui Qu. Simultaneous surface-adsorbed organic matter desorption and cell integrity maintenance by moderate prechlorination to enhance Microcystis aeruginosa removal in KMnO4-Fe(II) process. Water Research, 2016, 105: 551-558.
  4. Jing Qi, Huachun Lan, Ruiping Liu, Shiyu Miao, Huijuan Liu*, Jiuhui Qu. Prechlorination of algae-laden water: The effects of transportation time on cell integrity, algal organic matter release, and chlorinated disinfection byproduct formation. Water Research, 2016, 102: 221-228.
  5. Jing Qi, Huachun Lan, Shiyu Miao, Qiang Xu, Ruiping Liu, Huijuan Liu*, Jiuhui Qu. KMnO4-Fe(II) pretreatment to enhance Microcystis aeruginosa removal by aluminum coagulation: Does it work after long distance transportation?. Water Research, 2016, 88: 127-134.
Supported Projects:
  1. National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Mechanism and regulation of algal-bacterial interactions in biological slow filter” (Grant No. 52170014, 2022 – 2025)
  2. National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Stress response and inactivation regulatory mechanism of Microcystis aeruginosa cells under oxidative conditions” (Grant No. 51808531, 2019 – 2021)
  3. A sub project of National Key R&D Program of China: “Identification of contaminants in water sources and in situ regulation technology of odor-producing algae” (Grant No. 2018YFE0204101, 2019 – 2022)
  4. A sub project of Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment: “Steel industry water pollution control technology system integration and integrated application demonstration” (Grant No. 2017ZX07402001, 2017 – 2020)