Faculty and Staff
LI Mengkai
Highest Education: Ph.D
Office: 18 Shuangqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Phone: 010-62849212
Zip Code: 100085
Fax: 010-62923541
Email: mkli@rcees.ac.cn
Education and Appointments:


  2013, Ph.D., Environmental Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 

  2009, M.S., Condensed Matter Physics, Tianjin University, China 

  2007, B.S., Applied Physics, Tianjin University, China  

  Work Experience 

  2013-present, Assistant Professor, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, CAS 

  2014/09-2015/10, Visiting Scholar, écolepolytechniquefédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 

  2011/09-2011/12, Visiting Student, University of Alberta, Canada 

Research Interest:

UV disinfection and UV-based advanced oxidation processes for water and wastewater treatment

Selected Publications:

  Selected Publications:

  1. Mengkai Li, Chen Wang, Miaoling Yao, James R. Bolton, Zhimin Qiang. Sulfamethazine degradation in water by the VUV/UV process: Kinetics, mechanism and antibacterial activity determination based on a mini-fluidic VUV/UV photoreaction system. Water Res., 2017, 108: 348?355. (IF = 5.99)

  2. Mengkai Li, Zhimin Qiang, Chen Wang, James R. Bolton, E.R. Blatchley. Experimental assessment of photon fluence rate distributions in a medium-pressure UV photoreactor. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2017, 51(6): 3453?3460. (IF = 5.39)

  3. Mengkai Li, Dong Wen, Zhimin Qiang, John Kiwi. VUV/UV light inducing accelerated phenol degradation with a low electric input. RSC Adv., 2017, 7: 7640?7647. (IF = 3.29)

  4. Wentao Li, Mengkai Li, James R. Bolton, Jiuhui Qu, Zhimin Qiang. Impact of inner-wall reflection on UV reactor performance as evaluated by using computational fluid dynamics: The role of diffuse reflection. Water Res., 2017, 109: 382–388.

  5. Mengkai Li, Zhimin Qiang, Pin Hou, James R. Bolton, Jiuhui Qu, Peng Li, Chen Wang. VUV/UV/chlorine as an enhanced advanced oxidation process for organic pollutant removal from water: Assessment with a novel mini-fluidic VUV/UV photoreaction system (MVPS). Environ. Sci. Technol., 2016, 50(11): 5849?5856. (IF = 5.39)

  6. Mengkai Li, Zhimin Qiang, Cecar Pulgarin, John Kiwi*. Accelerated methylene blue (MB) degradation by Fenton reagent exposed to UV or VUV/UV light in an innovative micro photo-reactor. Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 2016. 187: 83?89. (IF = 8.32)

  7. Wentao Li, Mengkai Li, James R. Bolton, Zhimin Qiang. Configuration optimization of UV reactors for water disinfection with computational fluid dynamics: Feasibility of using particle minimum UV dose as a performance indicator. Chem. Eng. J., 2016, 306: 1–8. (IF = 5.31)

  8. Mengkai Li, Zhimin Qiang?, James R. Bolton, Jiuhui Qu, Wentao Li. A mini-fluidic UV photoreaction system for bench-scale photochemical studies.Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 2015, 2:297-301. (IF = 4.83)

  9. Mengkai Li, Zhimin Qiang?, James R. Bolton, Wentao Li. An improved method for real-time fluence monitoring in UV reactors. J. Environ. Eng.-ASCE, 2015, 141(4): 04014075. (IF = 1.13)

  10. Mengkai Li, Zhimin Qiang*, James R. Bolton, Wentao Li, Peng Chen. UV disinfection of secondary water supply: Online monitoring with micro-fluorescent silica detectors. Chem. Eng. J., 2014, 255: 165?170. (IF = 5.31)

  11. Mengkai Li, Zhimin Qiang?, James R. Bolton*. In situ detailed fluence rate distributions in a UV reactor with multiple low-pressure lamps: Comparison of experimental and model results. Chem. Eng. J., 2013, 214: 55?62. (IF = 5.31)

  12. Zhimin Qiang*, Mengkai Li, James R. Bolton, Chen Wang, Jiuhui Qu. Estimating the fluence delivery in UV disinfection reactors using a ‘detector-model’ combination method.Chem. Eng. J., 2013, 233: 39?46. (IF = 5.31)

  13. Mengkai Li; Zhimin Qiang?; Chen Wang; James R. Bolton, Junfeng Lian. Development of monitored tunable biodosimetry for fluence validation in an ultraviolet disinfection reactor. Sep. Pur. Tech., 2013, 117: 12?17. (IF = 3.30)

  14. Zhimin Qiang?, Mengkai Li, James R. Bolton. Development of a tri-parameter online monitoring system for UV disinfection reactors, Chem. Eng. J., 2013,222: 101?107. (IF = 5.31)

  15. Mengkai Li, Zhimin Qiang?, James R. Bolton, Weiwei Ben. Impact of reflection on the fluence rate distribution in a UV reactor with various inner reactor walls as measured using a micro fluorescent silica detector, Water Res.,2012, 46: 3595–3602. (IF = 5.99)

  16. Mengkai Li, Zhimin Qiang?, Tinggang Li, James R. Bolton, Changlong Liu. In situ measurement of UV fluence rate distribution by use of a micro fluorescent silica detector, Environ. Sci. Technol.,2011, 45: 3034–3039. (IF = 5.39)

  17. Mengkai Li, Zhuo Wang, Changlong Liu, Two layer surface exfoliation on Si3N4/Si by sequential implantation of He and H ions, J. Electron. Mater. 2009, 36: 1990–1994. (IF = 1.49)

  18. Junfeng Lian, Zhimin Qiang*, Mengkai Li, James R. Bolton, Jiuhui Qu. UV photolysis kinetics of sulfonamides in aqueous solution based on optimized fluence quantification. Water Res., 2015, 75: 43-50. (IF = 5.99)

  19. Zhimin Qiang*, Wentao Li, Mengkai Li, James R. Bolton, Jiuhui Qu. Inspection of feasible calibration conditions for UV radiometer detectors with the KI/KIO3 actinometer. Photochem. Photobiol., 2015, 91(1): 68?73. (IF = 2.01)

  20. Changlong Liu, Mengkai Li, Zhuo Wang, Correlation between surface damage and micro-defects in Si covered with insulating layer by implantation of He and H ions.Thin Solid Films 2011, 519: 3162–3168. (IF = 1.76)

  21. 王琛,李梦凯,赵晓辉,闫荣磊,强志民* 紫外/真空紫外反应器对饮用水中磺胺类抗生素去除的研究。中国给水排水 (2016) 已接受

  22. 李梦凯,李文涛,陈鹏,张帆,强志民*荧光微探头在紫外消毒器剂量监测中的应用探讨。中国给水排水 30(19) (2014)

  23. 李梦凯,王琛,陈鹏,吴文君,强志民* 饮用水紫外消毒器辐射剂量验证和在线监控。中国给水排水 29(4) (2013)

  24. 李梦凯,强志民*,史彦伟,李庭刚紫外消毒系统有效辐射剂量测试方法研究进展。环境科学学报32(3) (2012) 513?520.

  25. 李梦凯,强志民*,史彦伟,施亮,李金玉原位在线紫外强度测试平台对紫外消毒系统的测试及应用。给水排水 37 (8), (2011) 26?29.

Supported Projects:

  1.National Natural Science Foundation of China(International Cooperation):Development of a novel photo-electrochemical water treatment reactor through co-optimization of optical and fluidic fields and immobilization of catalysts. 2016–2018, [Project budget: Three years/ 146 k RMB] 

  2.National Natural Science Foundation of China: Development of a novel mini-tubular UV reactor and its applicationfor fundamental study of photochemical and photobiological reactions. 2015–2017, [Project budget: Three years/ 250 k RMB] 

  3.Edward M. Curtis Visiting Professor Fund:Development of high-efficiency photoreactor. 2016–2017,[Project budget: One year/ 95 k USD] 

  4.National Geographic Air and Water Conservation Fund (U.S.):Development of innovative technologies for organic micro-pollutant removal fromdrinking water in rural China. 2016–2017, [Project budget: Two years/ 20 k USD] 

  5.Sub-project of State's Key Project of Research and Development Plan:Development and application of drinking water and wastewater treatment technologies in the rural area of East China. 2016–2020,[Project budget: Two years/ 600 k RMB] 

  Project participant 

  6.University of Alberta China Opportunity Fund-2016:Examining various issues concerning the UV/Chlorine advanced oxidation process for the degradation of contaminants in wastewaters. 2016–2018, [Project budget: 20 k CAD] 

  7.Major Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China:Advanced treatment technology and mechanism studies on low concentration organic pollutant remove in water. 2016–2020, [Project budget: 20 M RMB] 

  8.Marie Curie/E.U. Seventh Program FP7/2007-2013 under the REA:Advanced Water Treatment solutions for Europe and China (WATECH). 2013–2015, [Project budget: 147 KEuro] 

  9. National Key Technology Research and Development ProgramofMinistryofScienceandTechnology of China:Key technologies and device development for the drinking water treatment in Chinese rural area. 2012–2015, [Project budget: 1.5 M RMB] 

  10.Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment:Water qualitysecurity technology in pipe network under variouswater sources. 2012–2015, [Project budget: 2.4 M RMB] 

  11.University of Alberta China Opportunity Fund-2012:Experimental and theoretical investigation on fluence rate distribution in a UV reactor. 2012–2013, [Project budget: 20 k CAD] 

  12.National Key Technology Research and Development ProgramofMinistryofScienceandTechnology of Chinaon key technologies and device development for the drinking water treatment in Chinese rural area. 2012-2015, [Project budget: 1.5 M RMB]Project participant 

  13.Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment on water qualitysecurity technology in pipe network under variouswater sources. 2012-2015 [Project budget: 2.4 M RMB]Project participant 

  14.Foundation of the State Key Laboratory of Environment Aquatic Chemistryon advanced treatment technology and mechanism studies on low concentration organic pollutant remove in water. 2012-2014, [Project budget: 200 k RMB]Project participant 


  2016 , UV Young Professional Award, IUVA

  2015, Suez Outstanding Paper Award, China Water and Wastewater

  2013 ,Best Student UV Paper Award, IUVA

  2013 , First Prize, Organo Water Quality and Water Environment Scholarship

  2013 , President Award, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  2012 , National Scholarship

  2011, First Prize.The HACH 6th Environmental-friendly Science and Technology Competition