Faculty and Staff
XU Qiang
Highest Education: Ph.D
Office: 18 Shuangqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Phone: 010-62849659
Zip Code: 100085
Fax: 010-62923541
Email: qiangxu@rcees.ac.cn
Education and Appointments:

2006-2011    Ph.D.  Environmental Engineering, Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
2002-2006    B.S.   Environmental Science, Nankai University, China
2018-        Associate Professor, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
2011-2017    Assistant Professor, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Research Interest:
Water loss control and regulation optimization for water distribution networks
Selected Publications:

1.    Qiang Xu, Zhimin Qiang, Qiuwen Chen, Kuo Liu, Nan Cao. A superposed model for the pipe failure assessment of water distribution networks and uncertainty analysis: A case study. Water Resources Management, 2018, 32 (5), 1713-1723.

2.    Qiang Xu, Qiuwen Chen, Shunping Zhao, Kuo Liu, Jinfeng Ma, Nan Cao. Saving water and associated energy from distribution networks by considering landscape factors in pressure management and use of district metered areas. Journal of Environmental Informatics, 2018, 31 (1), 65-73.

3.    Qiang Xu, Qiuwen Chen, Siliang Qi, Desuo Cai. Improving water and energy metabolism efficiency in urban water supply system through pressure stabilization by optimal operation on water tanks.Ecological Informatics, 2015, 26, 111-116.

4.    Qiang Xu, Qiuwen Chen, Jinfeng Ma, Koen Blanckaert, Zhonghua Wan. Water saving and energy reduction through pressure management in urban water distribution networks.Water Resources Management, 2014, 28, 3715-3726.

5.    Qiang Xu, Ruiping Liu, Qiuwen Chen, Ruonan Li. Review on water leakage control in distribution networks and the associated environmental benefits. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2014, 26, 955-961.

6.    Qiang Xu, Qiuwen Chen, Jinfeng Ma, Koen Blanckaert. Optimal pipe replacement strategy based on break rate prediction through genetic programming for water distribution network.Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, 2013, 7(2), 134-140.

7.    Qiang Xu, Qiuwen Chen, Weifeng Li, Jinfeng Ma. Pipe break prediction based on evolutionary data-driven methods with brief recorded data.Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2011, 96(8), 942-948.

8.    Qiang Xu, Qiuwen Chen, Weifeng Li. Application of genetic programming to pipe failure models in water distribution system. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 2011, 13 (3), 419-428.

Supported Projects:

1. Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment (Sub-project), Assessment and standardization of key technologies for water distribution networks regulation, CNY 4.05 M, 2017-2020, PI.
2. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Young Scholars), Pipe leakage behavior study for water distribution system and optimization for leakage detection and control, CNY 250 K, 2014-2016, PI.
3. Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment (Sub-project), Technology development for Leakage detection and control for water distribution networks, CNY 4.25 M, 2012-2015, PI.
4. Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment (Sub-project), Research and application of water loss management and control technologies for water distribution networks, CNY 3.3 M, 2017-2020, Participate.
5. Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment (Sub-project), Research and pilot application of water quality safety ensuring technologies for water distribution networks under multi-source switch conditions, CNY 2.3 M, 2012-2015, Participate.
6. Ministry of Science and Technology of China, National Science and Technology Support Program, Research and application of water loss control technologies for water distribution systems. CNY 2.8 M, 2006-2010, Participate.


2014, International Water Association, East Asia Regional Project Innovation Award, Honor Award (Applied Research) (Project title: Comprehensive water loss control technologies for water distribution systems)