Faculty and Staff
Highest Education: Ph.D
Phone: 010-62911425
Zip Code: 100085
Fax: 010-62911425
Email: xuwang@rcees.ac.cn
Education and Appointments:

Dr Xu Wang received a PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2013, and subsequently held an assistant professor position at the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and was promoted to associate professor in late 2016. Since early 2017, he has joined the Centre for Water Systems at the University of Exeter (UK) to undertake a prestigious Royal Society Newton International Fellowship. His current research focuses are at the interface of environmental engineering and sustainability science. In specific, his main research efforts are devoted to design, develop and evaluate novel technologies and data-driven management approaches and their combination to promote resource efficiency and enhanced sustainability in wastewater management. To date, his research has appeared in leading scientific avenues like PNAS, Science Advances, Enviornmental Science & Technology, and Water Research among many others. He have received 4 extremely competitive fellowship awards internationally and nationally for outstanding young researchers, along with over 15 prizes and honors in recent years, including a prestigious MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 China Award (2017). He also won several national and international impactful grants, including from funding bodies of China, US, UK and the Netherlands, accounting to over 2,400,000 CNY. He is currently a Steering Committee Member of the International Water Association (IWA) Cities of the Future Program, and getting involved with Management Committee of IWA Specialist Group on Modelling and Integrated Assessment.
Research Interests:
1. Sustainable wastewater treatment technologies (e.g., renewable energy production, nutrient extraction, water reuse)
2. Data-driven and machine learning technologies for urban water system modelling and assessment
3. Systematic modelling and life cycle assessment of renewable energy systems
4. Water-energy-food nexus and solutions
5. Computational fluid dynamics based bioreactor simulation and optimization

Current and Previous Appointment:
2017 – present          University of Twente Visiting Professor
2017 – present          University of Exeter         Royal Society Research Fellow
2017 – present          RCEES-CAS Associate Professor
Oct. to Nov. 2016         Delft University of Technology        KNAW Visiting Scholar
2013 – 2016 RCEES-CAS Assistant Professor

Higher Education:
2010 – 2013, PhD (Environmental Engineering), University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2008 – 2010, MSc (Environmental Engineering), Harbin Institute of Technology
2004 – 2008, BSc (Water & Wastewater Engineering), Hohai University

Research Interest:

Water resource recovery technologies and environmental sustainability science

Selected Publications:

1. X. Wang*, P. L. McCarty, J. Liu, N.-Q. Ren, D.-J. Lee, H.-Q. Yu, Y. Qian, J. Qu (2015) Probabilistic evaluation of integrating resource recovery into wastewater treatment to improve environmental sustainability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 112 (5): 1630-1635.

2. X. Wang*, G. Daigger, D.-J. Lee, J. Liu, N.-Q. Ren, J. Qu, G. Liu, D. Butler (2018) Evolving wastewater infrastructure paradigm to enhance harmony with nature. Science Advances, 4, eaaq0210.

3. X. Wang*, J. Liu*, N.-Q. Ren, H.-Q. Yu, D.-J. Lee, X. Guo (2012) Assessment of multiple sustainability demands for wastewater treatment alternatives: A refined evaluation scheme and case study. Enviornmental Science & Technology, 46(10): 5542-5549.

4. X. Wang*, Y. Li, J. Liu*, N.-Q. Ren, J. Qu (2016) Augmentation of protein-derived acetic acid production by heat-alkaline-induced changes in protein structure and conformation. Water Research, 88: 595-603.

5. X.-H. Wang, X. Wang*, G. Huppes, R. Heijungs, N.-Q. Ren (2015) Environmental implications of increasingly sewage discharge standards in municipal wastewater treatment plants: Case study of a cool area of China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 94: 278-283.

6. X. Wang, J. Liu*, N.-Q. Ren, Z. Duan (2012) Environmental profile of typical anaerobic/anoxic/oxic wastewater treatment systems meeting increasingly stringent treatment standards from a life cycle perspective. Bioresource Technology, 126: 31-40.

7. X. Wang*, J. Liu*, B. Qu, N.-Q. Ren, J. Qu (2013) Role of carbon substrates in facilitating energy reduction and resource recovery in a traditional activated sludge process: Investigation from a biokinetics modelling perspective. Bioresource Technology, 140: 312-318.

8. X. Wang, J. Ding*, W.-Q. Guo, N.-Q. Ren* (2010) A hydrodynamics-reaction kinetics coupled model for evaluating bioreactors derived from CFD simulation. Bioresource Technology, 101: 9749-9757.

9. X. Wang, J. Ding*, W.-Q. Guo, N.-Q. Ren (2010) Scale-up and optimization of biohydrogen production reactor from laboratory-scale to industrial-scale on the basis of computational fluid dynamics simulation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35: 10960-10966.

10. X. Wang, J. Ding*, N.-Q. Ren, B.-F. Liu, W.-Q. Guo (2009) CFD simulation of an expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor for biohydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34: 9686-9695.


Supported Projects:

1. Youth Top-Notch Talent Program Grant, PI, 2017-2019
2. Beijing Nova Program Grant, PI, 2017-2019
3. National Geographic Air and Water Conversation Fund, PI, 2017-2018
4. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Young Scientist Grant), PI, 2015-2017
5. State Key Laboratory for Aquatic Chemistry Research Grant, PI, 2014-2016


MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 China Award (2017)
Royal Society Newton International Fellowship (2016)
Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2015)
Second Prize of Technology Progress, Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation (2014)
Academic Rookie Award for Outstanding PhD, Chinese Ministry of Education (2012)
National Scholarship for Excellent PhD, Chinese Ministry of Education (2012)
1st Class ORGANO Water & Environmental Scholarship (2012)
Outstanding Environmental Projection Talent Award for PhD, Shanghai Tongji Gao-Tingyao Environmental Science and Technology Development Foundation of China (2012)
Baosteel Scholarship for Outstanding Students (2012)
P&G Scholarship for Excellent Postgraduates (2012)