Ph.D. (2009) Environmental Engineering, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
M.S. (2005) Environmental Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University, Xian, China.
B.S. (2002) Chemical Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University, Xian, China.
Particle phenomena: coagulation, sedimentation, and pollutant-sediment interactions;
Membrane filtration in water and wastewater treatment.
Journal Papers (SCI):
1. Xiao F.*, Fang L.P., Li W.T., Wang D.S. (2015) One-step synthesis of aluminum magnesium oxide nanocomposites for simultaneous removal of arsenic and lead ions in water.RSC Advances 5: 8190-8193
2. Xiao F.*, Xu H., Li X.Y., Wang D.S. (2015) Modeling Particle-size Distribution Dynamics in a Shear-induced Breakage Process with an Improved Breakage Kernel: Importance of the Internal Bonds. Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects. 468: 87-94
3. Xiao F.*, Li X.Y., Wang D.S. (2013) Three Dimensional CFD Simulation of the Flow Field around and through Particle Aggregates. Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects.436: 1034-1040.
4. Xiao F.*, Xiao P., Zhang W.J., Wang D.S.* (2013) Identification of key factors affecting the organic fouling on low pressure ultrafiltration membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 447: 144-152
5. Xiao F., Lam K.M, Li X.Y.* (2013) Investigation and Visualization of the Internal Flow through Particle Aggregates and Microbial Flocs using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Journal of Colloidal and Interface Science 397: 163-168
6. Xiao F., Lam K.M., Li X.Y. and Wang D.S. (2012) Investigation of the Hydrodynamic Behavior of Diatom Aggregates Using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Journal of Environmental Sciences-China. 24(7):1157-1164
7. Xiao P., Xiao F.*, Wang D.S., Qin T. and He S.P. (2012) Investigation of Organic Foulants Behavior on Hollow-fiber UF Membranes in a Drinking Water Treatment Plant. Separation and Purification Technology. 95:109-117
8. Zhang M., Xiao F.*, Xu X.Z and Wang D.S. (2012) Novel ferromagnetic nanoparticle composited PACls and their coagulation characteristics. Water Research. 46: 127-35
9. Xiao F., Lam K.M., Li X.Y., Zhong R.S. and Zhang X.H.(2011) PIV Characterisation of Flocculation Dynamics and Floc Structure in Water Treatment., Colloid and Surface A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects. 379: 27-35.
2016-2019 NSFC: Complex foulants behavior identification and flocs controlling mechanisms in coagulation-UF membrane filtration process. 0.63 M CNY (PI)
2014-2017 NSFC: Enhanced nano-magnetic coagulant development to remove micro-organic pollutants and flocculation control mechanism. 0.80 M CNY (PI)
2012-2016 Key program project of NSFC: Control and optimization of combined membrane process for drinking water purification, 0.40 M CNY (Sub-project PI)
2012-2015 National water pollution control and management technology major projects: Integrated research on sludge quality conditioning and dewatering technology, 2.50 M CNY (Sub-project PI)
2011-2013 NSFC: Characterization of structure and hydrodynamic behavior of aggregates by using CFD/PIV, 0.20 M CNY (as PI)
2010-2012 National water pollution control and management technology major projects: Research and demonstration of CCP for risk assessment in water supply works,0.35 M CNY (as PI)
Other projects as CI including “973”, RGC, AOE and so on
2013, Best platform performance (2nd place) in 5th IWA-Aspire conference, Sep, 2013, Daejeon, Korea.
2007, Best paper in 161st Doctoral Forum of Tsinghua University
2007, Best Poster Award (to Xiao F., Li X.Y. and Lam K.M.) The IWA International Conference on Particle Separation, July 2007, Toulouse, France.