1999.9 ~ 2003.7: Bachelor;Environmental Science;Yunnan University, China
2003.9 ~ 2006.7: M.S.; Pollutant Ecology; Yunnan University, China
2006.9 ~ 2006.7: Ph.D.; Environmental Science; Research Centre for
Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2009.7~ present: Assistant, and then Associate Professor, Research Centre for
Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2010.9 ~ 2011.3: Visiting Scholar, Rothamsted Research, UK
1、National Natural Science Foundation of China, Uptake, accumulation and tolerance mechanism of arbuscular mycorrhiza to microplastics-arsenic compound pollutants in soil. Project No. 42177109, 2022.1- 2025.12
2、National Natural Science Foundation of China, The ecological significance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for wetland plant arsenic tolerance and the related mechanisms. Project No. 41977042, 2020.1- 2023.12
3、National Key Research and Development Program of China, Source identification and source-sink relationship of soil contamination in rapid economic development area. Project No. 2018YFC1800302,2018.12-2022.12
4、National Key Research and Development Program of China, Research on Migration/Transformation and Safety Threshold of Heavy Metals in Farmland Systems. Project No. 2016YFD0800404,2016.6-2020.12
5、National Natural Science Foundation of China, Mechanisms underlying the chromium transference, transformation and tolerance in arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Project No. 21677164,2017.1-2020.12
6、National Natural Science Foundation of China, Molecular mechanism of arsenic uptake and transformation by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Project No. 41471219,2015.1-2018.12
7、National Natural Science Foundation of China, Arsenic uptake, metabolism and tolerance in arbuscular mycorrhizal plants,Project No. 41101246,2012.1-2014.12
8、International Foundation for Science (IFS, Stockholm, Sweden), Arsenic uptake, metabolism and detoxification in plants associated with arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi,Project No. C/4973-1,2010.11-2012.12