Prof. Guibin Jiang received his Ph.D. from the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1991. After a four years research in Canada and Belgium, he returned to the center and is currently vice director of the institute and director of the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology. From January 2006, he was formally appointed the Associate Editor of Environmental Science and Technology (ES&T). He is also on the editorial board of Anal. Chim. Acta, Chemosphere and Int.J.Environ.Anal.Chem.
His research is mainly focused on analytical chemistry and environmental chemistry. His methodical and comprehensive research resulted in significant achievements on analytical development and environmental characterization of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and the speciation of organometallic compounds, which contributed to the improvement and internationalization of these scientific fields in China.
Under his leadership, the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology was established, and the Dioxin Laboratory has participated in several international intercomparison studies. Due to its high quality, the Dioxin laboratory was named a Pilot Laboratory by UNEP. He has chaired two National Basic Research Programs of China. Two doctoral theses of his former students have been awarded the National One Hundred PhD Thesis of Excellence.
Prof. Guibin Jiang has published about 300 papers in peer reviewed journals, among which 120 papers were published in journals with IF> 3. His publications have been cited more than 3000 times. He has given more than 200 keynote presentations in conferences and invitational lectures in renowned institutes and universities.
1)Environmental Safety, Trend and Control of Persistent Organic Pollutants(POPs),
National Basic Research Program of China(973, 2003CB415000)
2)Screening and Control of Environmental Endocrine Disruptors
State High Tech Development Plan(863, 2001AA640610)
3)Environmental and Health Effects of Environmental Endocrine Disruptors
Key Project of Knowledge Innovation, CAS(KZCX2-414)
4)Environmental Process and Toxicology of Persistent Organic Pollutants, Major Project of NSFC(20897010)
5)Development of Standard Reference Materials of Organometallic Compounds
State High Tech Development Plan(863, 2002BA906A28)