05.20 Guest Lecture: The Evolving Energy Landscape - and its need for research and education


Title: The Evolving Energy Landscape - and its need for research and education 

Presented by Prof.Anders Elverhøi 

Invited by Prof. Yonglong Lu 

Time2:30 pm, 20 May 2014 

Venue:Room 601, Eco Building 


Prof.Anders Elverhøi 


The transformation of our present day society to a society based on low carbon energy requires collaboration of social sciences and humanities with the "hard sciences". There is a need for innovation, including economic, political, and legal aspects to enhance this transformation. Research and education must be recognized as necessary and organized and funded accordingly in order to provide the proper candidates and knowledge for the future. 

Present position: Director UiO Energy, University of Oslo 

Background: Elverhøi is the former Dean of Research, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Professor of geology at Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo since 1990. Elverhøi acted as head of The Department of Geosciences from 1997 to 2003. As part of this effort, Elverhøi has been chairman of the board for The Center for Material Sciences and Nanotechnology as well as The Center for Nuclear Physics and Chemistry at the Faculty. 

From 1976 to 1990 Elverhøi was employed at the Norwegian Polar Research institute. He was awarded the Nansen Award for Polar Science in 1993.Elverhøi has been a member of The Academy of Science in Norway since 1999. 

Elverhøi has more than 30 years of experience in geosciences related to petroleum and environmental geology. He has been involved in several national and international projects studying the development and evolution of the North Atlantic continental margin. 

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