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CAS-TWAS centre of excellence offers course on water and sanitation


The Chinese Academy of Sciences and TWAS are offering a long-term training course to provide water and environment professionals from developing countries with state-of-the-art knowledge and laboratory activities.  

From 22 June to 19 September, the Chinese Academy of Sciences-TWAS Centre of Excellence for Water and Environment (CAS-TWAS CEWE, http://www.castwas-cewe.org) is organizing a long-term training course on water and sanitation.    

China has successful achievements in the management of water, and the CAS-TWAS CEWE aims to maximize this experience by transferring to professionals from developing countries the knowledge accumulated over the years.  

The Water and Sanitation Training Programme is co-sponsored by the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences (RCEES, http://english.rcees.cas.cn/). 

and supported by the International Water Association (IWA, http://www.iwahq.org/1nb/home.html). 

The training programme is organized as follows: during the first week, attendants will follow lectures anda workshop, and will have the chance to visit a water treatment plan. During the training period, they will choose an internship covering one of the following themes: water environment protection, water supply, and wastewater treatment. Specific lab work will complete the experience.  

The course is open to water professionals, including administrators, municipal officials, water and wastewater managers, engineers and researchers from developing countries. Women are particularly encouraged to participate.    

Applications can be submitted online(http://www.castwas-cewe.org/Article/detail/fid/30/id/23.html). The application process closes on 15 May, and accepted applicants will be notified 21 May. The course will be held in Beijing, and the working language will be English. 

Travel and accommodation expenses will be provided to the selected participants.   

For more information, please contact: cas_twas@rcees.ac.cn 


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