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The 8th International Conference on Sustainable Water Environment


The 8th International Conference on Sustainable Water Environment

Guilin, China

July 17-19 2012 

About the Conference

Water is one of the most precious resources for human Being and the sustainability of water environment is a crucial challenge that restrict the world’s development. The conference on Sustainable Water Environment is a successful series of conferences which had been previously held in Chinese Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Korea and USA. This Conference is focusing on strategies and technologies for ensuring the sustainability of water Environment around the world in a time of climate change.

The 8th International Conference on Sustainable Water Environment conference will be hosted by Chinese Academy of Engineering and jointly organized by Research Center for Eco-Environmental Science of the Chinese Academy of Science and Guilin University of Technology in Guilin, China at July 17-19, 2012.

This three days conference will provide an open forum in which academicians, engineers and decision makers can exchange information on recent advances in sustainable water research and practices among countries at various stages of economic development.

Conference Themes

Integrated Watershed Management

Low Energy Processes in Water Pollution Control and Water Purification

High Efficiency and Low Energy Water Reuse

Water Environment Conservation


TEL: +86-10-6284-9589/9160
FAX: +86-10-6292-3540

WEBSITE: http://swe2012.rcees.ac.cn

EMAIL: swe2012@rcees.ac.cn

 For more details, please download the Conference Brochure

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