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Coming seminar: Impact of Temperature on Nitrification and Biofilm Growth in a Full Scale MBBR System


Coming seminar: Impact of Temperature on Nitrification and Biofilm Growth in a Full Scale MBBR System


1. Impact of Temperature on Nitrification and Biofilm Growth in a Full Scale MBBR System

2. An introduction to the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON),U. S. A

Time:9:30-11:30, Oct.24, 2011

Place:Ecology Building, Room 508

Lecturer:Wei Lin, Ph.D.

North Dakota State University

Dr. Lin is a tenured professor and Ph.D. advisor at North Dakota State University. As the vice president of North Dakota Water Environment Association,he has been actively involved in the development of US National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) and is the scientific leader of NEON Domain 9, Upper Great Plains.

He specializes in water quality management and wastewater treatment unit processes. His resent research and projects include kinetics nitrification processes, adsorption capacity and kinetics of arsenic onto iron impregnated GAC, sediment nutrient release and its impact on lake qualities, and river water quality sampling and model simulation in support of TMDL development.


October 20, 2011

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