West-to-East Natural Gas Transportation Project is one of the great projects of the 21st century whose aim is to transport the gas resources from the Tarim Basin in the Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region to the municipality of Shanghai. The total length of the pipeline is about 4000 Km and it traverse diverse landforms and ranges from the deserts of Xinjiang and Gansu, the loess plateau of Shaanxi and Shanxi, and the Taihangshan mountain range and at the end to the suburban areas of Shanghai. The construction of the long-distance pipeline changed the structure and function of the regional ecosystems and caused predominant environmental issues, so the systematic researches on the impacts of the project and how to rehabilitate and reconstruct the ecosystem according to the features and protective requirements have important strategic meanings and practical apply values.
The research was closely related to the huge national project of “West-to-East Natural Gas Transportation”, and the concept of friendly environment framework was first introduced to the ecological restoration after the construction of the project. After the field inspection and sampling analysis, we apply the present map and GIS technology are applied to carry out the classification of ecosystems, functional assessment, and health diagnosis for the areas of “West-to-East Natural Gas Transportation” project. Based on these work, the technical frameworks for ecological problem solving were established section by section along the pipeline region, and the safe running and management strategies of the pipelines were designed according to regional context. The technical system and eco-security patterns used for ecological restoration in different eco-regions were put forward to develop the supporting system for the ecological risk assessment and dynamic management decision, and to provide technical supports for ecological restoration and project safety management of ultra-long pipelines. Through the application in the project design, construction and management, the research results have obtained great economic and social benefits.