13 September, executive director of the academy of sciences for the developing world (TWAS)Romain Murenzi visited RCEES in accompany with Kai Feng (the program officer of Division of International Organizations) and Zhitao Ru (the program officer, Division of General Management, Bureau of International Cooperation, CAS). Deputy Director of CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence for Water and Environment (CEWE), Professor Dongshen Wang, and Professor Chengqing Yin, associate professors, international students and relevant staffs attended this meeting.
During the meeting, Prof. Dongshen Wang gave all participants an introduction report for RCEES and CAS-TWAS CEWE. The report presented current situation and the challenge in the future of CAS-TWAS CEWE. Prof. Romain Murenzi was also showed around the laboratory after the meeting.
Prof. Romain Murenzi expressed that TWAS would like to provide necessary helps and human resource for the development of CAS-TWAS CEWE and steady the long term sustainably cooperation relationship.