
SKLECE Engages in 2011 National Arctic Expedition


Professor ZHANG Qinghua from State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology (SKLECE) took part in 2011 national arctic expedition. He reached at China’s Yellow River Station on July 1st and started the 20-day polar region research program of Distribution and long distance transportation of organic pollutants such as new type flame retardant in arctic region.

The main research target is to set long term passive atmospheric sampling device and collect persistent organic pollutants in air in New AoErSong area, the North Pole. In addition, samples of soil, sediment and organisms were also collected in order to provide foundational data for polar region environmental protection.

SKLECE engaged in Antarctic expedition in 2009 and 2010, arctic expedition in 2010. This 2011 arctic expedition is a part of the long term research program aiming to reveal long distant transportation mechanism of persistent toxic substance.

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